Wednesday Chat with Stephen, 2/12

Good evening! What a great week we have had here at the Cafe! Last week we saw a wonderful response to both the Tuesday Writing Challenge and Thursday’s Promote a Poet and I only want to keep encouraging you to participate in both. This week’s PYM was epic with over 200 comments! Next Monday, the Weekly Invitation will include a round up of shared posts.

Friday’s are a special day for our Baristas when we they share older pieces from their own blogs and writing. I encourage you to spend some time with us on Friday afternoon and read through these bits of enlightenment into the pasts of our family of writers dishing up your favorite brew.

Last week we saw one of our frequent guests, Andrew, share some details on his favorite books for writers, including one of my all-time favorites: A Hero With a Thousand Faces. Check it out here!

This week, the Level UP challenge has moved its host from Fullbeard Lit to the Cafe. I am still thinking through the evolution of this one and am eager for your ideas – there are SOOO many writing prompts out there from the daily to the weekly. While I don’t want to overwhelm our Guests, my thoughts turn to a consolidation of all that we can find. I am eager for you to share Prompts and Challenges that you host or participate in down in the comments below. I will collect them and find a place here at the cafe, like a bulletin board, where we can go to explore when we need that extra bit of inspiration. Share away folks: the more you share the greater the diversity in the Level UP!

Mark your calendars, Tanya Cliff joins the Cafe next month and will host the Saturday Writing Workshop starting March 7! I am very excited about this one.

As always, stay and scroll around a while… our Baristas have posted some great poetry this week, then visit us on Friday when they throw it back, participate in the Challenge and Level UP on Tuesday (and throughout the week… the Writing Prompt may only take you 15 minutes, but if you want that extra challenge, take your time and post when ready)! Then promote your favorite tomorrow. I love what is happening with this community so much that I am putting Fullbeard on hold for a while to focus my energies here on behalf of our Baristas and all of our wonderful Guests.


5 thoughts on “Wednesday Chat with Stephen, 2/12

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