Raw You and Me

Shadows bloom darkest where raw you and me become real skin speaking hidden truths desires cloaked in secrets now revealed in nakedness of what we cannot stop * ©MidwestFantasy/Beth Amanda May 2019 Ph-Pinterest


Curve of her spine sighing in his hands sensual willow swaying seduction whispering silently unanswered wants deep beneath his own breathless poetry writing itself * ©MidwestFantasy/Beth Amanda May 2019

My Skin Calls

Sweeping lips across skin calling your name taste my potent delight lick the maddened lust absorb my salty seduction free fall into depths of my naked spell * ©️MidwestFantasy/Beth Amanda March 2019  

Carnal Fuel

Fuel my fire he did erotic words closely whispered licking flames needing to burn famished hands kindling aches needing to roar grabbing hips forcing tight with his ardent cadence of carnal pulse pushing slow with tease deeper and deeper my embers billowed his body aware quickened rhythm taking hold scorching nakedness out of control heated … Continue reading Carnal Fuel


Butterfly in her bewitching soul beneath blue yearning and indigo cravings erotic freedom screaming to fly dark desires fluttering low stirring within raw ache to spread wide her beauty delicate wings fascination for his eyes * ©MidwestFantasy/Beth Amanda December 2018 Ph- Aesthetics via ColorMyWorld