Your Hunger

Your hunger for medevours my resistanceI find myselfletting gowillingly grantingmy body to you feed your needswith the ambrosiaof my kissfeast upon my fleshuntil fully satedsavor every delicate dropof meoffered to quench your craving * ©️MidwestFantasy Feb 2020 Ph- Flickr


Pulse of night throbbing like her need windows steaming with heat she can’t control cries for him to ease insatiable fervor ring like lusty ecstasy in his ears * ©️MidwestFantasy Jan 2020 Ph-Allenbach Photography

Sounds of Love

Love sounds between breaths of you and me noises of our fascination with each other's body hands and lips finding new places each time eliciting lusting cries of unbridled pleasure as silent walls listen and smile at our naked gratification * ©MidwestFantasy November 2019 Ph-Pinterest


Forbidden joy in black hands of midnight voices silenced by guilt bodies chorusing in unison two souls entwining lustful hearts pleasures of skin no sin in their eyes * ©MidwestFantasy/Beth Amanda August 2019 Ph-Google Images

Tangle Me

I want to be tangled in touch your salacious seduction sliding over my skin speaking lust’s language without words sighs our candle-glow of warmth as we writhe together in rhythms of midnight * ©MidwestFantasy/Beth Amanda August 2019 Ph-Google Images

Let Go

Lay back close your eyes let silence calm your fears, trepidations feel what isn't touching you inhale what surrounds you let your mind lull in waters your never knew would excite you let your senses overwhelm what no one ever told you was possible find me and let's fuck the never-endning out of this moment … Continue reading Let Go