Where Will Our Story End? By Donna Matthews

Recently, I started a personal challenge to explore and write in 100+ different poetic forms.  To assist me in this journey is Robert Lee Brewer’s The Complete Guide of Poetic Forms where he gives the form and an example. Where Will Our Story End is #6 in this collection I’m calling, very simply, 100+ Poetic Forms.

Tonight’s poetry form is called Catena Rondo. From Brewer, “Created by Robin Skelton, he took the name from catena, which means chain, and connected it with rondo, which means circle. The poem is a bit of a “chain circle,” because of its intense repetition within stanzas and the poem as a whole.” Read here for the basic rules.

My attempt:

Featured Image - Where will our story end

Where Will Our Story End?

where will our story end
the generations before me and you
from these our story grew
where will our story end

the generations before me and you
cursed with the history before them
hundreds of years of mayhem
the generations before me and you

cursed with the history before them
humans captured and sold
slavery by hearts grown cold
cursed with the history before them

humans captured and sold
let us make the madness stop
from fields, brothels, and sweatshops
humans captured and sold

where will our story end
the generations before me and you
from these our story grew
where will our story end

Now to you…wanna try a Catena Rondo poem? Share a link in the comments below!

© 2014-2020 – Donna Matthews

Hey y’all, thanks for visiting the Go Dog Go Cafe and I hope you enjoyed reading today’s selection. I am Donna Matthews, a born and bred Texan who can usually be found writing, painting, taking pictures, or traveling the world on foot. I’m all about love, people, sharing, and doing life together and would love to get to know you. I host two blogs…the first, The DJ Ranch, documents my personal adventures while the second, Slay The Chaos, focuses on mindsets, technology, productivity and organization. Come on over for a visit sometime 💙


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