Promote Yourself Monday, March 9, 2020 and Round UP, March 2, 2020

Promote yourself Mon

Welcome to Promote Yourself Monday.  All Go Dog Go Cafe community members are invited to post one link to one specific piece of their writing (600 words or less please!) they have published on their blog, Facebook page, or Instagram feed into the comments section below. If you post a link, be sure to read some of the other great writing people have linked to.

Many apologies for the confusion last week, I crossed my wires forgetting there was a previously scheduled post and created a new one. But that didn’t stop us from having another great week. Between the two posts we had over 60 likes and 180 comments and an amazing !39! shares. In the confusion did cause me to miss a whole bunch of writers, my humblest apologies as I do try to get to every post over the course of the day. So if I missed you, please come back. And if you missed any, The Round UP below offers you a chance to catch up, so stay and scroll around a while:

Nascent Ederren
The Pesky Poet
L Stevens
Jennifer at PaperKutz
Eluminora Creations
Peter Martuneac
Strider Marcus Jones
C Ken
Emily Karn
Robin LeeAnn
Inner Dialects
Eugi’s Weekly Prompt!
Christine Ray
Christine Bolton

263 thoughts on “Promote Yourself Monday, March 9, 2020 and Round UP, March 2, 2020

  1. Pingback: When Panic is an Epidemic. – Innerdialects

  2. Pingback: When Panic is an Epidemic. – Innerdialects

  3. Reblogged this on Ivor.Plumber/Poet and commented:

    Dear readers and followers, here’s a great opportunity for your writings to be read by other writers, and also to find and meet other writers. You are very welcome to participate, come along and visit our writer friendly site…..

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Since I choose this Monday to join your community, I see that promote yourself is the order of the day, something I’m terribly bad at.

    Everything is pretty much non-fiction (and non-native) about me. I have selected a poem from one of my five (mostly photo) blogs as an introduction. Here it is:

    And now I shall create a new post, since I have been pulled into taking part in your Writer’s Workshop this month – the first I’ve even joined – and have written my piece just earlier. I shall leave the link to my post under the Writer’s Workshop post. I believe this is how it works. And then I shall visit some other posts gathered here.

    I’m glad to be here and I hope you’ll enjoy having me. Writing is the perfect way to beat the virus talk which is all there is in Italy at the moment. They have even stopped kissing.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. Pingback: A Fine Cider Toast 3/9/20, The One Where I Talk About What’s Happening This Week At Fullbeard Lit | Fullbeard Lit

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