Back Into The Woods She Went, by Donna Matthews

Featured Image - Woods

Watercolor Painting and Photoshop editing by Donna Matthews

little red riding hood
knew all the stories
had even met the big bad wolf
but afraid she refused to live
back into the woods she went
she saw her grandma
she heard the birds
she fed the squirrel
she laid in the winter sun
home again
her day well spent

© 2014-2020 – Donna Matthews

Author’s Notes: The above poem is written in free verse which means poetry with no rhyme scheme or meter. You can learn more about poetry forms here.

Hey y’all, thanks for visiting the Go Dog Go Cafe and I hope you enjoyed reading today’s selection. I am Donna Matthews, a born and bred Texan who can usually be found writing, painting, taking pictures, or traveling the world on foot. I’m all about love, people, sharing, and doing life together and would love to get to know you. I host two blogs…the first, The DJ Ranch, documents my personal adventures while the second, Slay The Chaos, focuses on mindsets, technology, productivity and organization. Come on over for a visit sometime 💙

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