Clover Field, by Donna Matthews

Featured Image - Clover Field

It’s Saturday morning. My favorite morning today. I love all the mornings but Saturday is a wee bit special with her wide open arms of nothingness. Nothing expected. Nothing due. Nothing required of me. She just wants to hang out and let our feet wander where they will.

wind cold on my face
spring not due for several weeks
verdant clover field
nature eager to begin
a new season of color

© 2014-2020 – Donna Matthews

Author’s Notes: The above poem is written in a form called Haibun. Haibun, is a prosimetric literary form originating in Japan, combining prose and haiku/senryu/tanka. The range of haibun is broad and frequently includes autobiography, diary, essay, prose poem, short story, and travel journal. Learn more about various poetry styles here.

The tanka form is generally a short poem with the following pattern 5-7-5-7-7. In its purest form, tanka poems are most commonly written as expressions of gratitude, love, or self-reflection and can be read forward and backward.

Hey y’all, thanks for visiting the Go Dog Go Cafe and I hope you enjoyed reading today’s selection. I am Donna Matthews, a born and bred Texan who can usually be found writing, painting, taking pictures, or traveling the world on foot. I’m all about love, people, sharing, and doing life together and would love to get to know you. I host two blogs…the first, The DJ Ranch, documents my personal adventures while the second, Slay The Chaos, focuses on mindsets, technology, productivity and organization. Come on over for a visit sometime 💙

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