Oh Winds of Change

Oh winds of change why must you blow
and come roaring in like a hurricane
blowing my comfortable life to and fro
left in your wake, everything’s changed

And yet, the unknown is always there
or so say the stoics of centuries past
for comfort is but an illusion we wear
and life is never meant to endure or last

So Blow, changing winds Blow, Blow, Blow!
And in the end my weathered soul soars free
to explore other cosmos never known
floating on a breeze with gossamer wings

©2019 Linda Lee Lyberg

Linda Lee Lyberg is an author, poet, wife, and mother. She resides in Mesa, AZ with her husband Pete (aka The Big Viking) of 23 years and her dog, Ricky Bobby who loves to go real fast. She writes various forms of poetry, as well as short stories. Several of her works have appeared in various anthologies and online literary magazines.
You can read more of her works at: charmedchaos.com and her Amazon Author Page

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