Promote Yourself Monday August 5, 2019

Promote yourself Mon

Welcome to Promote Yourself Monday.  All Go Dog Go Cafe readers, guest writers, and baristas are invited to post one link to one specific post (600 words or less please!) from your blog into the comments section below.

If you post a link, be sure to read some of the other great writing people have linked to.

238 thoughts on “Promote Yourself Monday August 5, 2019

  1. Reblogged this on The Reluctant Poet and commented:

    Come join in the fun at The Go Dog Go Cafe’s free event – Promote Yourself Monday! Come share one of your best poems/pieces with over 4,900 patron. Show off your work and tempt them to follow you?? Be sure and reblog the Event Page on your blog so your followers can promote themselves too!!

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  2. Pingback: Tullawalla #11 – Ivor.Plumber/Poet

    • I indeed liked it, Nayana, though I don’t much like the idea of going dolly to be free from the pain and heartache. Not being able to feel helps not to feel pain anymore, but it also prevents us from feeling happiness, peace, and a host of other powerful emotions that heal the problem and don’t just put a veil on it and try to forget it 🙂

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      • I agree with you on that. Life is about going through all the range of these emotions and it would be pretty empty if our heart remained unaffected by them. Even the bad times make us stronger (sometimes) and sometimes end up defining who we are.
        But the thought I had in mind while writing this is not about how we feel for the overall big picture of life. I believe, from my own experience and from witnessing others lives as well, that while we are suffering, while we are broken and at our most vulnerable and helpless state, no one thinks ‘ it is okay, life is about this, i should take it in good spirit’. There is no big picture that you see, and no one in that moment thinks of the wrong and right or even the repercussion of the steps we take in that state. This overall understanding and appreciation of life, most us can only do that in hindsight.
        What I mean to capture was that moment by itself, that moment when you are helpless, not only because of your own sorrow, but because you are helpless to protect the ones you love from the issues of their own lives.
        I am really glad that you liked my work 🙂
        Thank you so much 🙂

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      • Yeah, no one really thinks that it’s okay and should be taken in good spirit when the noose is at its tightest. These are thoughts that usually come in hindsight. I completely understand how difficult it can be, and that there comes a time when being happy goes out of the window and the focus is on being ‘less sad’. I’ve faced many such days myself. But I still feel that shutting oneself down when it hurts doesn’t help in the long run.
        Anyway, your analogy with dolls was quite appealing 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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