Writing Challenge – The Gift you share

Submissions open all this week! Post your link in the comments for all to read.

If there was one gift you could give to someone what would that be? The gift of friendship, the gift of a smile or the gift of warm baked bread? If it is story telling then write me that story, if it’s baking tell me when it made someone so happy they told you so. If it was singing off key but so spontaneously tell me how it made them feel after?

Tell me how you made someone happy.

Write a poem or a story under 100 words and let’s spread joy next week!

Write about your gift of happiness to someone.

Here’s mine.

Being present


I am thankful for the gift

that I can offer someone

to bring joy when they feel sad

just by being present


I am thankful for the human heart

that can heal from hurts

when I sit and listen

offer no advice

and just be present

like a gift unopened

my smile a satin ribbon


I am thankful for the gift

that I can give

to humbly sit and be still

to listen with my heart

holding theirs

to be silent

and just be present


Hope & Light


trust your heart if the seas catch fire – e.e cummings


74 thoughts on “Writing Challenge – The Gift you share

    • this was amazing! a real gift from you. yes there were a few videos but totally worth the time. thank you for sharing your beautiful gift if voice and music. I edited the link straight off your blog as it did not work at first.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Loved this post! Music is what grounds me and many of my novels have come from one particular song or set of songs. I watched all of them! You and your group have a great talent. Thanks for sharing with us.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Pingback: Harmony – ThusNSuch

  2. Gifting confidence, I would if I could.
    I’m certain I never have, as one needs it to gift.
    I’d spread it about because with confidence, accomplishments happen.
    Thus equaling more confidence; additional ideas and successes.
    Brilliant, they become.
    And with each, they can change the world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • gifting confidence is so uniquely genuine. I like this idea of a gift, well written thoughts. thank you. maybe you could start with encouragement. a tint spark of confidence. you may have it more than you give yourself credit for. thank you for responding to this challenge….Gina


  3. Pingback: My Gift to You | Go Dog Go Café

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  7. Pingback: Words Of Mine | Go Dog Go Café

  8. Pingback: My Gift Is My Heart | Go Dog Go Café

  9. Pingback: My Gift for You | paeansunpluggedblog

  10. Pingback: My Gift for You | Go Dog Go Café

  11. Pingback: My Gift Is My Heart - iScriblr

  12. Pingback: Writing Challenge – The Gift You Share taken: Unwrap Your Words and Paint — Pointed Home | Go Dog Go Café

  13. Pingback: Writing Challenge – The Gift You Share taken: Unwrap Your Words and Paint — Pointed Home | Go Dog Go Café

  14. Pingback: Spreading Joy through Compassion – Musings

  15. Pingback: The Gift you Share | Go Dog Go Café

  16. Pingback: Spreading Joy through Compassion — Musings | Go Dog Go Café

  17. Pingback: The Gift you Share – Fresh Hell

  18. Pingback: My Gift: Let Me Be Your Light • The Sunshine Artist

  19. Pingback: My Gift to You As Long As We Both Shall Live | I Do Run

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  22. Pingback: Spreading Joy – Musings

  23. Pingback: The Gift – A Poem Initiated By Throw Down – LoveTheWayUThink

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