THROWBACK FRIDAY: Chorus, By Donna Matthews

bursting wide eager to please us your white show reaching up serenading the blue sky warm wind the chorus © 2014-2020 – Donna Matthews The Shadorma poem is six lines with a 3-5-3-3-7-5 syllable count. It can be composed with single or multiple stanzas. You can learn more about poetry styles here. Hey y'all, thanks … Continue reading THROWBACK FRIDAY: Chorus, By Donna Matthews

Clover Field, by Donna Matthews

It’s Saturday morning. My favorite morning today. I love all the mornings but Saturday is a wee bit special with her wide open arms of nothingness. Nothing expected. Nothing due. Nothing required of me. She just wants to hang out and let our feet wander where they will. wind cold on my face spring not … Continue reading Clover Field, by Donna Matthews