The Importance of Content/Trigger Warnings In Books & Book Reviews (& More) – Brittany the Book Guru

Brittany the Book Guru wrote the thought-provoking piece below and has graciously agreed to have it republished on the Go Dog Go Cafe. I apologize in advance for how long this post may end up being, but I think it’s an extremely important topic and one that has many facets and areas to discuss. I … Continue reading The Importance of Content/Trigger Warnings In Books & Book Reviews (& More) – Brittany the Book Guru

Kristiana Reed Reviews Alfa’s Silent Squall

‘It was him or me, and I decided – I wanted to live.’ Silent Squall was my first encounter with Alfa’s work. If I were to review the book in a few words, I would cite the journey I embarked upon from page one and the words I have been left with since. Alfa lives within … Continue reading Kristiana Reed Reviews Alfa’s Silent Squall

Interview with Christine Ray Writer, Blogger, Poet, and Barista from the Go Dog Go Cafe #amwriting #interview #nonfiction

Welcome to another Tuesday edition of my interviews series. Today I have another new interview for you, another talented writer, poet, and a Go Do Go Cafe Barista, Christine Ray.  I hope you love her blog I have found it fascinating. You can check out some of Christine’s wonderful writing on the topics of Poetry, Erotica, Spoken Word,  and for … Continue reading Interview with Christine Ray Writer, Blogger, Poet, and Barista from the Go Dog Go Cafe #amwriting #interview #nonfiction

second star to the right, straight on til morning

This poem is not a traditional Go Dog Go Cafe piece but conversations that S Francis and Christine had about it inspired the name "Go Dog Go" Cafe.  Some days you can still find S Francis and Christine sitting on a broad tree branch, talking and laughing, conspiring and dreaming the way that writers do. he found her … Continue reading second star to the right, straight on til morning