Poem: Free Verse – “Soulful and Sweet” #amwriting #poetry #GoDoGoCafe

Credit: Ol Klein via Unsplash Soulful and sweet -- That's what his eyes were like. Shaded-black running shoes, And faded jeans that fit snug; He's put together, White shirt sleeves pushed up muscled forearms. Eyes soulful and sweet; he caught mine. I caught his; the train's sway forgotten. And conversation ambled, As we sat in … Continue reading Poem: Free Verse – “Soulful and Sweet” #amwriting #poetry #GoDoGoCafe

Interview with Christine Ray Writer, Blogger, Poet, and Barista from the Go Dog Go Cafe #amwriting #interview #nonfiction

Welcome to another Tuesday edition of my interviews series. Today I have another new interview for you, another talented writer, poet, and a Go Do Go Cafe Barista, Christine Ray.  I hope you love her blog I have found it fascinating. You can check out some of Christine’s wonderful writing on the topics of Poetry, Erotica, Spoken Word,  and for … Continue reading Interview with Christine Ray Writer, Blogger, Poet, and Barista from the Go Dog Go Cafe #amwriting #interview #nonfiction