Tell Us Your Publishing Story: Nicole Lyons, Indie Blu(e) Publishing

Name You Write Under Nicole Lyons In what part of the world do you live? I live in BC Canada in a little city called Kamloops. The word Kamloops comes from the Secwepemc word Tk’emlúps, meaning “where the rivers meet” and refers to the convergence of the North and South Thompson rivers. Not only is … Continue reading Tell Us Your Publishing Story: Nicole Lyons, Indie Blu(e) Publishing

Interview with Christine Ray Writer, Blogger, Poet, and Barista from the Go Dog Go Cafe #amwriting #interview #nonfiction

Welcome to another Tuesday edition of my interviews series. Today I have another new interview for you, another talented writer, poet, and a Go Do Go Cafe Barista, Christine Ray.  I hope you love her blog I have found it fascinating. You can check out some of Christine’s wonderful writing on the topics of Poetry, Erotica, Spoken Word,  and for … Continue reading Interview with Christine Ray Writer, Blogger, Poet, and Barista from the Go Dog Go Cafe #amwriting #interview #nonfiction