The Gift of Words: Stunning Poetry and Prose from Indie Blu(e) Publishing

As you finish up your holiday shopping, the Editors of Indie Blu(e) Publishing recommend adding one (or more!) of our fabulous titles to your list. Some Words Never Sleep comes from the monsoon soul of Indian poet Zinia Mitra. A bilingual author and accomplished academic, Mitra pours her observations and insights into transformative poetry, evoking what … Continue reading The Gift of Words: Stunning Poetry and Prose from Indie Blu(e) Publishing

The Gift of Words: Cutting Edge Fiction from Indie Blu(e) Publishing

As you finish up your holiday shopping, the Editors of Indie Blu(e) Publishing recommend adding one (or more!) of our fabulous titles to your list. Kindra M. Austin’s neo-noir novella, The Killing Holiday, is filled with sex, cigarettes, and whiskey, leaving the reader wanting more. “Austin’s dark, disquieting ability to provoke unease, is the exact right … Continue reading The Gift of Words: Cutting Edge Fiction from Indie Blu(e) Publishing

The Gift of Words: Anthologies from Indie Blu(e) Publishing

As you finish up your holiday shopping, the Editors of Indie Blu(e) Publishing recommend adding one (or more!) of our fabulous titles to your list. But You Don’t Look Sick: The Real Life Adventures of Fibro Bitches, Lupus Warriors, and other Superheroes Battling Invisible Illness features 123 powerful voices living with invisible chronic illnesses— voices often … Continue reading The Gift of Words: Anthologies from Indie Blu(e) Publishing

Olive Skin – Devika Mathur (An Excerpt from Crimson Skins)

My Mother has a concave slippery mouth,untouchable with the slick tunes of time.She carries nostalgia,like an offering,a seduction performedin the onyx of mouths colliding.A star shadowmolten in pieceswith liquid layers of murmurssticking to her bare belly button.Lipids resting like a heavy eyelid.She stitches her concrete bun,as a belt of Gangesher crisp breaths floatingto tangle the elixir … Continue reading Olive Skin – Devika Mathur (An Excerpt from Crimson Skins)

Kristiana Reed Interviews Indie Blu(e) Author Devika Mathur

KRISTIANA: Crimson Skins is your second poetry collection, what has been the most rewarding part of reaching the point of publication? DEVIKA: Over the years I have grown into a more persistent writer honing my writing skills. The process of collecting art pieces and turning them all beautifully into a book takes a lot of creativity and patience. As … Continue reading Kristiana Reed Interviews Indie Blu(e) Author Devika Mathur

Review Of Devika Mathur’s Crimson Skins by Kristiana Reed

Devika Mathur is loved and known for her celebration of the abstract and surreal; she plays with words like toys and bites into them like ripe fruit. Everything Mathur yields is original and unique. Even when her voice is so reminiscent of Sylvia Plath, she remains a woman and poet unto herself, through and through. Crimson … Continue reading Review Of Devika Mathur’s Crimson Skins by Kristiana Reed

Review of Conversations with Women – Cebo Campbell by Kristiana Reed

Originally published on Reedsy Discovery. I expected Conversations with Women to be about women through a male gaze. I expected to grimace at Campbell’s attempt to capture the female experience. Both expectations were to be proven false within the first few pages. Campbell provides an outlook which is original and unique; an outlook which challenges … Continue reading Review of Conversations with Women – Cebo Campbell by Kristiana Reed

Review of Rain and Embers – Ali Nuri by Kristiana Reed

Originally published on Reedsy Discovery. Rain and Embers by Ali Nuri is one of the best poetry collections I have read in a while. His talent lifts each page and the words situated on it to tell a vivid story about identity, belonging and displacement as well as exploring love and what it’s like to live … Continue reading Review of Rain and Embers – Ali Nuri by Kristiana Reed

Review of Sassafras – Trish Heald by Kristiana Reed

Originally published on Reedsy Discovery. Sassafras by Trish Heald is a stunning debut. I laughed and cried as Heald expertly told a story about healing and family (whether tied by blood or friendship). When Champ’s wife, Pat, dies, both he and his family lose their peacekeeper and grief, as it so often does, slips its fingers … Continue reading Review of Sassafras – Trish Heald by Kristiana Reed