Same Word by Liyona

"Clarence, I am thinking of a word that rhymes with memory..." Sharon leaned closer to the table. Clarence thoughtfully pondered the clue. "Darling, could you give me a bit more? How is it used in a sentence?" Sharon tilted her head to the side. She was thinking. "Sharon?" Clarence nudged again. He noticed how Sharon … Continue reading Same Word by Liyona

THROWBACK FRIDAY: Truth-Telling Tree, By Donna Matthews

Check out this tree. It's a truth-telling tree. See her colors? The deep magenta, the rosy pink, and almost white. The truth she's sharing is about you and me. I think we all agree, our integrity important. Our yesses yes and noes no. The self we present to the world is known as whole and … Continue reading THROWBACK FRIDAY: Truth-Telling Tree, By Donna Matthews

Anatomy of a Book: Choosing and Organizing Your Writing- Christine Ray

When I first contemplated choosing pieces and organizing them for Composition of a Woman, I naively thought it would be fairly quick and straightforward process.  I had recently served as the editor for an art show chapbook that included pieces from 12 very diverse girls and women and as the primary editor for Anthology Volume … Continue reading Anatomy of a Book: Choosing and Organizing Your Writing- Christine Ray

Anatomy of a Book: Choosing and Organizing Your Writing- Christine Ray

When I first contemplated choosing pieces and organizing them for Composition of a Woman, I naively thought it would be fairly quick and straightforward process.  I had recently served as the editor for an art show chapbook that included pieces from 12 very diverse girls and women and as the primary editor for Anthology Volume … Continue reading Anatomy of a Book: Choosing and Organizing Your Writing- Christine Ray