Struggles – Eugenia

once you were someone gift of life answers unfound failures from ago ideas tarnished and rusty wishful thoughts ahead of time © Franci Eugenia Hoffman A gander at me – I enjoyed a dedicated career in the insurance industry for over 20 years being rewarded both professionally and personally. Now it’s time for me to … Continue reading Struggles – Eugenia

Clover Field, by Donna Matthews

It’s Saturday morning. My favorite morning today. I love all the mornings but Saturday is a wee bit special with her wide open arms of nothingness. Nothing expected. Nothing due. Nothing required of me. She just wants to hang out and let our feet wander where they will. wind cold on my face spring not … Continue reading Clover Field, by Donna Matthews

From Prisons to Palaces – Melissa Coppins, Guest Barista

“Adventure” is one of my favorite words.  It is a word so full of possibilities, excitement and the sheer thrill of the unknown right around the corner!  But as you will see in this post, adventure most definitely has it’s ups and downs. When I was very young, we lived in a small farming community … Continue reading From Prisons to Palaces – Melissa Coppins, Guest Barista

Innocence lost…and found – Melissa Coppins, Guest Barista

Many talk about innocence “lost” and when it’s once lost, it can never be regained. I disagree with that statement. When I was young, Mom and Dad were always right…fairies were real…and a new coloring book and new box of crayons were about the best thing next to candy. Christmas and Halloween were the most … Continue reading Innocence lost…and found – Melissa Coppins, Guest Barista