Not A “Disney” Princess (For Carrie Fisher)- – John W. Leys Guest Barista

You took my breath away All those years ago on the cinema screen, A princess, but no damsel in distress, Rescuing your rescuers; Saving the day with a well hidden blaster. Leader, Warrior; Bad-Ass. Out in the real world Another sort of princess, Born into Hollywood royalty, But no less a hero, Battling demons From … Continue reading Not A “Disney” Princess (For Carrie Fisher)- – John W. Leys Guest Barista

Are You Free? – John W. Leys Guest Barista

I’m not free, She said, I can’t fly free Among the clouds. Gravity is oppressing me And holding me back. I’m not free, He said, From the chain Of causality That stretches From the Big Bang, Throwing matter into motion, To the motion of the air From her lips To my ear Telling me its … Continue reading Are You Free? – John W. Leys Guest Barista

Ravens and Crows – John W. Leys Guest Barista

  I saw one of Wodan’s ravens — Or was it one of Badb’s crows? — Through dirty bus windows, Flying over hard and frozen snow. Fly on, old friend, with your mission, And the messages you wish to bestow, While, across the rivers, through the mountains To grandmother’s house I go. But grandmother doesn’t … Continue reading Ravens and Crows – John W. Leys Guest Barista

On This Day I Completed My 46th Year – John W. Leys Guest Barista

I woke up this morning With fewer steps ahead Then there are behind, As the incline increases In proportion to the number Of familiar faced corpses Rotting in the ditch Along the side of the road. Bone on bone Cartilage-free grinding In my knees Won’t hold out much longer. Though they’ve lasted Ten years longer … Continue reading On This Day I Completed My 46th Year – John W. Leys Guest Barista

Guest Barista Saturday: Meet John W. Leys

I am a 46-year-old Indie-Poet/Writer who has been writing poetry since I was 14 years old and making up stories for as long as I can remember. I write poetry on a variety of topics, including: philosophy, history, current events, religion/spirituality, mythology, and my own life experiences (some of which could be labeled “confessional poetry,” … Continue reading Guest Barista Saturday: Meet John W. Leys

Barista Favorite: Kaddish for Karen Leys/John W. Leys

We are pleased to announce the Barista Favorite from March 5th's Promote Yourself Monday at Go Dog Go Cafe. It is John W. Leys's tribute poem Kaddish for Karen Leys. You can read more of John’s writing at Darkness of His Dreams. Its so strange to think That you’re not there In that little house on Salem … Continue reading Barista Favorite: Kaddish for Karen Leys/John W. Leys

We Cannot Look Away: Not another 17, not another One

Just another day just another town bullet perforated backpacks spilling loose-leaf lined paper, textbooks onto blood stained sidewalks helicopters hovering to give us the birds eye view I tried to avert my eyes out of respect for the dead the injured but I could not look away Christine Ray Even though I should Because I … Continue reading We Cannot Look Away: Not another 17, not another One

Guest Barista John W. Leys-Dreams of Poems Already Written

Allen was in Asgard reciting America and Singing the Buddhist Bible Blues for All-Father Odin While Bobby and Baldr compared notes concerning Daily dreams of darkness, depression, and death. Byron rode up and down Bifröst bridge Writing a poem about Don Juan (No, not that one, the new one!) Marcus Aurelius read the mythologies of Midgard, Studied philosophy with Plato, … Continue reading Guest Barista John W. Leys-Dreams of Poems Already Written