Take A Moment- Michael Erickson

Let my spirit soar, Upon a rising tide. To stretch my fingers across, This heavenly sky. Untethered is my being, As sweet peace comes rushing in. As foot leaves the ground, And heart swells to bursting. I rise with a rising eddy, Aware of firm earth far beneath my wings. Come and take my outstretched … Continue reading Take A Moment- Michael Erickson

Colorful Music

leaves like confetti like a dance floor at midnight colorful music The above poem is written in the form of Haiku. Haiku is an unrhymed poetic form consisting of 17 syllables arranged in three lines of 5-7-5 syllables respectively. Haiku tends to relate primarily to NATURE. Learn more about poetry styles here. Hey y'all, thanks … Continue reading Colorful Music

Poem: Free Verse – “Wildfire” #amwritingpoetry #godoggocafe

Credit: Toa Heftiba via Unsplash. I am a wildfire, A star that effervesces and multiplies; Miracle of light. Seeking love despite, for my innate wildness. I am a wildfire, And untamed with light despite, Treacherous treks through crumbling peaks, Shadows of the dimmest valley's bleak. Glowing through the vast unbroken wilderness. I am a wildfire, … Continue reading Poem: Free Verse – “Wildfire” #amwritingpoetry #godoggocafe