We Cannot Look Away: Not another 17, not another One

We will not forget Just another day just another town bullet perforated backpacks spilling loose-leaf lined paper, textbooks onto blood stained sidewalks helicopters hovering to give us the birds eye view I tried to avert my eyes out of respect for the dead the injured but I could not look away Christine Ray Even though … Continue reading We Cannot Look Away: Not another 17, not another One

Inspiration Wall: A Poet By Any Other Name…/Aurora Phoenix

Prompted by this morning’s post by Davy D and response by braveandreckless at the Go Dog Go Cafe . she eschews labels having been singed by the hot iron of many a branding she simply knows in her bones infused with wisdom of ageless sages her words pour voluminous from the depths of the well that is her essence anoint … Continue reading Inspiration Wall: A Poet By Any Other Name…/Aurora Phoenix

Interview with Christine Ray Writer, Blogger, Poet, and Barista from the Go Dog Go Cafe #amwriting #interview #nonfiction

Welcome to another Tuesday edition of my interviews series. Today I have another new interview for you, another talented writer, poet, and a Go Do Go Cafe Barista, Christine Ray.  I hope you love her blog I have found it fascinating. You can check out some of Christine’s wonderful writing on the topics of Poetry, Erotica, Spoken Word,  and for … Continue reading Interview with Christine Ray Writer, Blogger, Poet, and Barista from the Go Dog Go Cafe #amwriting #interview #nonfiction