Olive Skin – Devika Mathur (An Excerpt from Crimson Skins)

My Mother has a concave slippery mouth,untouchable with the slick tunes of time.She carries nostalgia,like an offering,a seduction performedin the onyx of mouths colliding.A star shadowmolten in pieceswith liquid layers of murmurssticking to her bare belly button.Lipids resting like a heavy eyelid.She stitches her concrete bun,as a belt of Gangesher crisp breaths floatingto tangle the elixir … Continue reading Olive Skin – Devika Mathur (An Excerpt from Crimson Skins)

Kristiana Reed Interviews Indie Blu(e) Author Devika Mathur

KRISTIANA: Crimson Skins is your second poetry collection, what has been the most rewarding part of reaching the point of publication? DEVIKA: Over the years I have grown into a more persistent writer honing my writing skills. The process of collecting art pieces and turning them all beautifully into a book takes a lot of creativity and patience. As … Continue reading Kristiana Reed Interviews Indie Blu(e) Author Devika Mathur

Review Of Devika Mathur’s Crimson Skins by Kristiana Reed

Devika Mathur is loved and known for her celebration of the abstract and surreal; she plays with words like toys and bites into them like ripe fruit. Everything Mathur yields is original and unique. Even when her voice is so reminiscent of Sylvia Plath, she remains a woman and poet unto herself, through and through. Crimson … Continue reading Review Of Devika Mathur’s Crimson Skins by Kristiana Reed

Indie Blu(e) Publishing Releases Arclight

Indie Blu(e) Publishing is thrilled to announce the release of  Arclight by John Biscello. John Biscello is not simply a novelist and poet, but an alchemist of verses. In Arclight, Biscello captains a voyage that transcends the physical world with graceful introspection, and philosophical wonder. His reflective nature invites us to ponder our own life … Continue reading Indie Blu(e) Publishing Releases Arclight


Kindra Austin’s Twelve continues where Constant Muses left off, rich and intense. By Mariah Voutilainen After having read Constant Muses, I eagerly awaited the release of Kindra Austin’s Twelve.  I expected more of the imagery of Muses, with its cigarette smoke and endless cocktails.  While those common threads are there, Twelve favors the much more potent darkness of decay and memento mori.  In Twelve, Austin further exposes the connection between … Continue reading BOOK REVIEW: KINDRA M. AUSTIN’S TWELVE, BY MARIAH VOUTILAINEN

Indie Blu(e) Publishing Announces The Release of We Will Not Be Silenced

We Will Not Be Silenced: The Lived Experience of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Told Powerfully Through Poetry, Prose, Essay, and Art is the brainchild of Kindra M. Austin, Candice Louisa Daquin, Rachel Finch, and Christine E. Ray. The four indie writers and survivors felt compelled to do something after the strongly triggering Kavanaugh Confirmation … Continue reading Indie Blu(e) Publishing Announces The Release of We Will Not Be Silenced