Guest Barista Aurora Phoenix-Ebb

Trees’ barely perceptible de-greening Ebb of verdant vibrancy Lushness incrementally drains Life leeches slowly from limbs Silent yellowing testimony Dry with season’s perpetual march Toward exhibitionist flame-out Grandiose flamboyant finale Ritualistic disrobing For season’s hibernation Year’s end suspended animation Aurora Phoenix is a wordsmithing oxymoron. Staid suburbanite cloaks a badass warrior wielding weapon grade phrases. … Continue reading Guest Barista Aurora Phoenix-Ebb

Guest Barista Aurora Phoenix-Sunset Sundae

Strawberry apricot marmalade Smeared butter knife slathers Thickly coating tree trunks Watered down dredges blend Sugar milky clouds Deliciously soaking the sky Inviting hungry eyes Lick the day good night. Aurora Phoenix is a wordsmithing oxymoron. Staid suburbanite cloaks a badass warrior wielding weapon grade phrases. Read more of her confabulations at Insights from “Inside.”

Guest Barista Aurora Phoenix-Cool-tinted

Cool-tinted breezes beguile her Kiss her cheeks with braid-released tendrils Gently flutter loose-hanging shirt Waft relief to exertion’s perspiration Whisper blissful counterpoint To sun’s glowing caress Paint her skin soulfully free Aurora Phoenix is a wordsmithing oxymoron. Staid suburbanite cloaks a badass warrior wielding weapon grade phrases. Read more of her confabulations at Insights from “Inside.”

Guest Barista Aurora Phoenix-Beauty Prevails

Tonight’s surreptitious peek Through steel barred window Reveals hazy soft horizon Rosy wisps at the treeline Reflected on a curl of razor wire Cruel unforgiving implement Impervious to beauty Yet passes it along. Aurora Phoenix is a wordsmithing oxymoron. Staid suburbanite cloaks a badass warrior wielding weapon grade phrases. Read more of her confabulations at Insights … Continue reading Guest Barista Aurora Phoenix-Beauty Prevails

Guest Barista Aurora Phoenix-Heralds of Crickets

Hot hazy humid Dog days of summer Stifling August doldrums Birds inhabit shade’s cooling Fence perched visits dwindle Butterflies flutter desultorily Flitting orange, yellow, white Crickets the musical accompaniment Chirp herald to the month Springy hopping ushers of Subtle seasonal change Aurora Phoenix is a wordsmithing oxymoron. Staid suburbanite cloaks a badass warrior wielding weapon … Continue reading Guest Barista Aurora Phoenix-Heralds of Crickets

Guest Barista Aurora Phoenix-Spring Sun

Gently strengthening spring sun Asserts itself, boldening balm Daffodil yellow rays coax relaxation Weave protective filaments of warmth Drape dappled fronds of healing Upon winter’s starved countenance. Windbursts swirl, frollic Lion cubs tussling playfully Rustle autumns’ leafy detritus Echoing swan song, year departed Scouring, shining Dressing the world anew. Aurora Phoenix is a wordsmithing oxymoron. … Continue reading Guest Barista Aurora Phoenix-Spring Sun

Guest Barista Aurora Phoenix- Yellow Wink

Boldly emerging amongst deepening green Smattering of golden yellow heads Universal springtime assertion Nature’s resistance to human control Butter-topped toy for childhood Innocent playful exuberance Source of sighs, exasperated Beseiging lawns, gardens cultivated Fuel of back-breaking hours Battling, extracting, removing Brilliant sun-mirrored reminder Flourishing in face of Persistent annihilative efforts Dandelions wink possibilities. Aurora Phoenix … Continue reading Guest Barista Aurora Phoenix- Yellow Wink

Guest Barista Aurora Phoenix- Arrogant Avian

Peripheral movement flashes Pulls attention window-ward Arrogant avian arrives Perches, pirouettes Surveying conquered kingdom Flutters briefly, twirling inches Flaunting striking robes Black white and grey Kingbird resettles Awaiting subjects’ requisite bows Aurora Phoenix is a wordsmithing oxymoron. Staid suburbanite cloaks a badass warrior wielding weapon grade phrases. Read more of her confabulations at Insights from “Inside.”