Promote Yourself Monday, April 5, 2021

Promote yourself Mon

Welcome to Promote Yourself Monday.  All Go Dog Go Cafe community members are invited to post one link to one specific piece of their writing (600 words or less please!) they have published on their blog, Facebook page, or Instagram feed into the comments section below.

If you post a link, be sure to read some of the other great writing people have linked to.

62 thoughts on “Promote Yourself Monday, April 5, 2021

  1. Reblogged this on Ivor.Plumber/Poet and commented:

    Dear readers and followers, I hope you are having a pleasant Easter break, and here’s a great opportunity for your writings to be read by other writers, and also to find and meet other writers. You are very welcome to participate, come along and visit our writer friendly site… clicking on the link at the bottom of this article >>
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    Liked by 2 people

    • A glorious prompt photo Sadje … maybe this piece is appropriate…

      “Blossom Over Jerusalem

      I write about the purple moon
      That eats the night with a silver spoon
      I write about the yellow sun
      That bathes our day with gold by the ton

      I hear the bird’s morning songs
      They caress the world’s souls, right or wrong
      I hear the animals’ mighty roars
      They remind us of the great outdoors

      I see the blue sky above
      Where life’s white doves carry our love
      I see the green pastures, beyond Jerusalem
      Where life’s fruit trees blush with blossom” — Ivor Steven

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Happy Monday everyone at the Go Dog Go Cafe 🙂 It’s been a while since I’ve visited and shared a link but having the day off work has meant I have the liberty to spend some time blogging and reading 🙂

    Yesterday I wrote a short poem about the Blossoms, how they can be a harbinger of spring but can also trigger a memory of loss too:

    The Blossoms

    Liked by 4 people

    • Yes life is awaiting game

      “The earth is waiting
      Sick of humans stalling
      And their time wasting
      They know it’s time

      Waiting for their promised cheers
      Waiting for less destructive years”


  3. Pingback: Dust Gathers | DJ Ranch

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