Christine’s Daily Writing Prompt: The Heads of Cerberus – Francis Stevens


10-5-2019For October, I decided to embrace the Halloween season and use titles of short stories and books discussed in the enjoyable and informative new book Monster, She Wrote: The Women Who Pioneered Horror and Speculative Fiction as my Daily Writing Prompts.  These are designed to inspire you to write a poem, prose piece, or a piece of flash fiction in 30 minutes or less.

The only rule is that you use the book title as your piece title OR integrate all the words in the title into your piece somehow

If you would like to have your piece considered for publication on Brave and Reckless and/or Whisper and the Roar, email your prompt inspired pieces to me at

You can also participate on Facebook by tagging your writing with:

  • #the title of the daily theme
  • #MonsterSheWroteChallenge
  • #braveandreckless66

or on Instagram by tagging your writing with:

  • #the title of the daily theme
  • #MonsterSheWroteChallenge
  • @christabelle1966

You can also share your response pieces in the comments below the Daily Prompt.

the heads of cerebus


4 thoughts on “Christine’s Daily Writing Prompt: The Heads of Cerberus – Francis Stevens

  1. Pingback: Something in the Wind | Padre's Ramblings

  2. Pingback: The heads of Cerberus | Fmme writes poems

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