By Charles Robert Lindholm

She had a shy tongue

before she met him

she was young, but not a child

unaware of lust and loving

back before becoming

wild, and free


SHE HAD A SHY TONGUE B - 50She learned her

lessons skillfully

she learned them

all by heart

and it didn’t

take her long

to become

a master of the art



She learned about geography

and the subtleties of touch

so it isn’t any wonder

she’s always loved so much


I cherish the day I met her

and I’m better off today

she taught me all the lessons

she’d learned along the way


I had a shy tongue

before I met her

I was young, but not a child

unaware of lust and loving

and passions running wild


I had a shy tongue

once upon a time

Copyright © 2017 Charles Robert Lindholm, The Reluctant Poet
All Rights Reserved – Please Come Visit My Archives!!

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