Guest Barista Devereaux Frazier-Entangled Orbits


swimming in an eternal sea

spilling out the contents

of a black and blue me

this kid isn’t alright

and frankly never was

head in a closet

hands on a molotov

I was always desperate for pain

the burn made me forget

why I was left aside

the fire was in my eyes

and left on my back

the belt buckle took a toll

I wanted her black, I wanted her broken

because I was

I wanted her filthy, I wanted her ashamed

because I am

entangled orbits don’t care about face

just gravity

and I want to stay here forever

they call out to me

rattling in dripping white dens

fuck it, take me

take me away from everything that matters

and I’m still left alone

because the devil doesn’t want your soul

or your body

with your time

he has both

I’m Devereaux Frazier, an eighteen year old poet and writer from Baltimore, Maryland. I’ve been published eight times on SpillWords, with my piece “Pleadings Against The Preposterous” being nominated for Publication Of the Month of May. I’ve also been published five times on TeenInk, with my story “Less Than Human” being published in the October 2016 edition of their magazine. In addition, Literary Art Review has published three of my poems as well. I am the sole voice of the blog An Aspergian’s Chemical Romance. You can also find me on Facebook.

2 thoughts on “Guest Barista Devereaux Frazier-Entangled Orbits

  1. Pingback: Guest Barista Devereaux Frazier – The Militant Negro™

  2. A fascinating poem Words entangled as this angry and viciousspeaker himself. So alarming a& sickening that he beats his child and wife. Or perhaps he was the child beaten at the beginning? As much as he is in this “haze of back and blue” I think he’s also a very lonely man who doesn’t know how to socialize normally and hold his temper and desires to abuse. It’s a deserved punishment that he’s left alone, but also the faulr of society/ Justice that they won’t try to rehabilitate him. But then again as your speaker believes the devil will already have him in time so perhaps he cannot change his evil ways. Wonderfully written Devereaux and nice to see you on the GDGC, I’m a barista here as well and I’m happy to come acrossyour work.

    I also do blogger/writer interviews so if you’rs intetested, at the top of my blog is a Contact Page. Send me an email there, and I’ can send you some interview questions. I’d love to learn more about you and your writing and do an interview on my blog, reblogged on GDGC.

    Can’t wait to read more of your poetry!


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